Edition, 124 pages, 11,7 × 16,5 po open format, B/W print on pastel blue recycled paper and bound with an elastic, 2022.
Thought as a journal, this edition brings together 13 texts written over a period of twelve months from November 2021 to November 2022. I share experiences as well as thoughts and reflections that have developed in public spaces, in museums, clubs, schools, as well as in my private life - alone or with my loved ones.
The edition opens with a letter addressed to the readers and is followed by a glossary that presents both terms and people that take place in my texts. A section entitled "resources" closes the reading and allows me to list books, films, podcasts but also events or parties that have been of significant importance to me during this period. Following the same intention, images, visuals, artworks and music lyrics that accompanied me and found a strong echo in me during the writing process are inserted around each of the experiences described or sometimes even within them.
Typography: Adelphe and Arno Pro. Printed on December 1st 2022.