Quand je parle de moi, je parle des autres
~ Quand je parle des autres, je parle de moi.
Version française
Version française
Installation, lecture, performance, 2024.
This installation has been thought out to be activated and performed. Its elements are designed to evolve, move, reveal themselves or, more simply, interact with the body and the stories it tells.They can exist on their own or be associated with other parts or actions in the space. So, for example, the mirror, originally used to look at and transform oneself, becomes an image to be worn, playing with the idea of trompe-l'oeil. In another register, the library, which brings together a variety of resources on transidentity, creates a space from which important subjects can be spontaneously brought to the fore. The screen behind which to change clothes presents the lyrics of a piece of music playing in the background, before turning around and becoming a gigantic photographic frame...
Although their forms, functions and contexts of creation vary, I see each of these elements as fragments of an intimacy that I share with loved ones who form an ecosystem. By playing back and forth and mixing gestures, sounds, text extracts and image projections, I seek to create a new performative narrative. This story is not to be seen in a fixed, exact form, but rather as a first chapter; a material that can, in the future, unfold in multiple directions and according to spaces, temporalities, desires and audiences.