Put sugar in the engine Version française
Mixed media, 2019.
The automobile, our most commontransportation mode, has become our obsession and has profoundly transformed our environment and our landscapes. Man destroys his own eco-system and the wild life from which he comes by a frantic and endless race for speed. Howether, he seems to be fascinated by the animal kingdom and its symbols of agility, strength, endurance and power.
My work aims to deal with the links between the automobile industry, environment and animals. My investigations begin where the bones mix. Carcasses, extinct animals often give their name or their image to brands of hyper-consumed cars. This is how I came up with the idea of putting sugar in the engine to create an accident, stop these machines and maybe even detonate them or create collisions between different bodies. The introduction of sugar, or more precisely caramel, into the heart of this work evokes motor oil, petroleum as well as the shiny aesthetics of a bodywork. It also implies questions of conservation and display because the pieces are doomed to evolve, transform and destroy. Thus, everything is about of seduction and repulsion. Pleasure meets fear and all you can do iswatch life collapse. Metal debris, dismembered parts, rigid and viscous material... These crossings and intersections open up space and circulation. These are surfaces of projection in which I wish to fragment our points of reference and question our positioning.

Hunting trophy, caramel, 21 x 23 cm

Hunting trophy, caramel, 36 x 11 cm

Hunting trophy, cracked plaster, 19 x 21 cm

Plaster bone, car debris with text

Engraved rearview mirror, plaster bone, car debris

Plaster bone, photo surrounded by caramel and sugar, car debris with text, plaster auto car debris

Sculpture, plaster bone, caramel, pieces of branches, leaves,
car debris, double-sided photographic printing, 48 x 34 x 43 cm

Sculpture, plaster bone, caramel, pieces of branches, leaves,
car debris, double-sided photographic printing, 48 x 34 x 43 cm

Cage designed on the basis of a removable Ferrari car kit, synthetic grass, horse in caramel base, 45 x 65 x 45 cm

Footprints of cables and car debris, caramel, 23 x 45 x 1,5 cm

Caramel, car debris with photo, plaster car debris

Car debris, newspaper article on license plate, newspaper article on bent metal plate

Car debris with photo, photo on caramel, newspaper article on bent metal plate

Overview: cage, photographs, newspaper articles on various supports, plaster bones and car debris, caramel, engraved rear view mirror, car debris with texts, sculptures, pieces of branches, leaves, hunting trophies, ...